Words for the Ideas

Why do the best ideas always occur to me in the shower?

Last summer when I lived in Providence, my entire dance lesson plan knocked me upside the head at the same time that the shampoo was working its magic. I've had countless choreography ideas do the same.

Yesterday, as I was getting ready to go to brunch with Alicia, I contemplated my climbing of late. I've taken to working hard on some bouldering, mostly because it's so low-maintenance... throw on some shoes, chalk up, and Ta-Da! I can work a problem. I have also been in contact with the director of Ascendance, seeing as she moved her company to Boulder. (GO FIGURE. Boulder has made my life literally fall into place.)

Out of nowhere, the common denominator in everything I love to do appeared: they all involve movement, strength, and intelligence.


Any time I am pursuing any of these activities, I get lost in them. They provide an inexplicable escape but have a clear focus at the same time. Moving is my zen; strength provides the path for focus; intelligence lets me build the knowledge pertaining to movement in order to explore new possibilities.

As I thought about this, I felt a rush of excitement: I had finally found words to describe what I've intuitively known for so long! And then the motivation kicked in... it was like being able to finally put my finger on the reason for my existence.

This morning I woke up with the worst muscle soreness I've had in a long time. I can barely hold a spoon to stir the soup I'm making on the stove. Every single time I sneeze, my abs convulse. I cannot touch my toes unless I'm sitting down. THIS IS WHAT I LIVE FOR. It makes me feel alive, to know that I'm working toward a goal, and my body is trying to change in order to comply with the demands I'm making of it. Despite my difficulty moving today, I legitimately feel awesome.

I will be back in New England come January 9th. I have this impending feeling that being home for almost 2 months is going to give me some major insight about my future. Sort of exciting and intimidating at the same time; I wonder what time will tell me.

Until then, I finished sewing Anna's Christmas present today, and my shipment of RI presents came in! Tomorrow involves baking a thousand cookies to share on Christmas with some friends who are taking amazing care of me out here. Jordan is having me over for dinner, and then Alicia invited me over to see them too. I can only hope my baking skills will be up to the hosting challenge! Peppermint truffles, commence!

Merry Christmas! :o)


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