Over a Month Later...

Busy. That pretty much sums it up.

The new job is turning out to be a few hours more per week. I might be underestimating the use of the word "few". It's not bad, but it's quickly becoming my life, so I have to make a concerted effort to do things that are not climbing-gym-related. Which is tricky because I want to climb more - not having the gear is well, sort of compromising, and therefore gym climbing is my only option. It helps that it's free too. Meh, I have faith that sooner or later, someone will be able to help me shake my climbing up a bit. Until then... lead climbing, here I come...

As far as dancing goes, C3 is not rehearsing until December. What to do with my free time? Ice skate, of course! I started lessons with them two weekends ago, and am super excited about it. It's surprising how much technique I actually did retain from lessons at... eight years old? Geez. So yay for new things that mesh with dance! Let's get the hip flexors in shape.

Anna and I are renting a new apartment downtown, which is coming together too... we may opt for an Asian theme (read: floor seating) in the living room, but it works for us. No TV, no Internet, minimalism at its finest. Even our soap dish is a repurposed plastic lid and all of our glasses are recycled jars. Red wine out of a mason jar? That's our brand of classy.

Jackie and the result of Tropical Storm Irene in CT.
My trip home to RI a few weeks ago was glorious, to say the least. The ocean was warm, I got to hike a bit, spent time with many people I missed, and many of my RI-specific food desires were met. Nora and Roscoe's wedding was beautiful, so simple and tasteful... the bride, groom, and bridesmaids even went barefoot, which I loved! Who cares if it rained in the middle of the ceremony, every second of it was amazing. I can even unleash a picture of the month-long sewing project that was the wedding gift.

Bigelow Hollow, CT.

The quilt I made for Nora and Roscoe's wedding.
Nora and Roscoe get hitched in VT!
 Sometimes, I just sit and think about life. At the moment, an overwhelming feeling of satisfaction has settled in nicely. It seems that Colorado was the right move after all. :o)


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