I Found a Couch!

In lieu of freaking out to find a new apartment in August, a couple of friends have offered to put me up for a couple weeks in August so I can save money to see if I can make it work out here.

Best. People. Ever.

As much as I love the fact that I'll be dancing hardcore for two weeks this month (we're talking 8am to 5pm every day), I will be disgruntled about not being able to earn money. Such is life. Basically, if I can save up enough during August, then I will be staying out here in the fall. If I can't make it work, then I will have to come home at the end of August. So we shall see what the future holds!

A very swollen South Boulder Creek - Walker Ranch.
In any case, I've been doing a lot of reading while here: Memoirs of a Geisha is my newest endeavor, lent to me by one of my fabulous roommates. My reading time has been largely reduced to the occasional 20-minute block where I've done everything that needed to be done at my job, but this is good because it means I am making money!

Went on another hiking excursion at Walker Ranch with the guys I live with, which is probably about a 20 minute drive from the house. South Boulder Creek runs through that area, and we made it back just in time for the rain to start. All anybody can talk about right now is the possibility of flooding because we've had so much rain on top of the snowmelt from this winter. Rocky Mountain National Park still has feet of snow on many of the hiking trails. In any case, dancing is on the horizon and I should start conditioning! Happy Independence Day!


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