Bada-bing Bada-boom

Incessant perusing of Craigslist has led me to this apartment and couple of leads on jobs... Ok, I can't hold it in any longer:

It also led to a performance opportunity with a fabulously different performing company!

I met with the director of Catalystic Cadence Collective (C3 for short) last night, and before I knew it, I was learning the entire first movement for their show in July! The really cool thing is that the director, Cliff, is a collaborator - but I have not once in my life heard of ice skating being put with dance, music, and media work before... how cool is that?! So, I have fulfilled some dancing goals out here... now to find a stinking job.

My roommate Chelsea hosts at a local fancy-dancy restaurant, where she is going to try and get me a job. The rock gym I am now a member of and also applied at has not called me back yet, but that was not ultra-promising to begin with. (And let me just tell you... I went to yoga yesterday before rehearsing all night, and I am sore. Hello, hamstrings! Why are they called that, anyway...)

One good thing at least is that produce is waaaaay cheaper here than at home. A pint of blueberries was on sale for $1.50, and they were not about to go moldy or anything. I spent $2.55 on a Vidalia onion, 3 bananas, and a container of whole mushrooms. "Shocked" does not even cover my reaction at the register. Of course, this is at the farmer's market, so maybe that has something to do with it... but why would I ever shop at Safeway now? Pfft.

Thus life continues. I got a library card the other day so I could regularly peruse the bookshelves, which has led to a stack of 6 books next to my bed. At least I'm keeping myself entertained in the hours that job-hunting or climbing/working out are somewhat ridiculous. Now I need to meet more climbers so I can get on some ropes. :o)


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