
Showing posts from July, 2012

Good, Great, Better, Best

Does this happen to anyone else? Just when you think you've gotten a handle on who you are as person, you learn something new. Or something at least suddenly becomes clear to you, more like an epiphany about something that has evolved over time. This is literally a constant, cyclic occurrence. I could be under the impression that I've figured out how I think/feel/act about a certain area of my life, and then suddenly, I realize the reality is different from my perception. Possibly better, possibly worse. Specifically, I've been thinking a lot about my career life. My boss handed me a book called "Good to Great" by Jim Collins, a case study of several different companies that made huge breakthroughs and had sustained profitability. Jim went into the project looking for the reasons that these companies had such marked results compared to others. One of the chapters is about being able to confront the brutal facts, knowing what your company will be the best at

New [adj]: Not existing before; made, introduced, or discovered recently or now for the first time

Oh gosh. New things. All over the place. Again. My job is now full-time. My social life has grown. And I've become aware of several habits that I am trying to break. (Sugar withdrawal ain't no laughing matter.) A lot's been going here in the Boulder Bubble, not the least of which is being surrounded by wildfire outbreaks, mostly due to lightning storms. We finally had lots of rain last weekend, which may put a damper on climbing trips, but I'll take it if it means my state won't burn to the ground. Two months in RI during the winter felt like I was living an alternate life; I already know how to exist quite comfortably there, what with friends, family, and old jobs to go back to. One of my co-workers in Boulder asked me how my trip was, and I told him it was like leading a double life. I put Boulder life on pause, unpause RI life when I get there, and do the reverse on the way back. It literally feels like no time has passed, more often than not. The only diff