I have Internet and a Job

This is where I live. Boulder, CO from the east.
Hiatus no more! We finally got the Interwebs up and running in the new house, and I am happy to say that both of the new roommates are pretty darn awesome. Chris and I have been moving Anna in as well, so there will be 6 of us here temporarily... holy cow.

Boulder Jazz Dance Workshop... where do I begin? The amount I learned in two weeks filled at least a dozen pages in my dance journal, and now I really want to keep traveling and dancing in different places. I met so many excellent people at the workshop, and realized how much I missed dancing all day, every day. When I become rich, I must get on that.

The Flatirons from CU campus, during my early morning walk to the BJDW.
Chris and Anna threw me a surprise birthday party after my BJDW dance show! Yeah Coldstone Creamery cake!
Most of the recent excursions around here involved our new roommate Merissa and her friend Jay, who was visiting from Michigan. This led to a bunch of touristy events, like visiting The Spot climbing gym (built specifically for bouldering, SO much fun), ordering fresh chocolate chip cookies at Boulder Baked (I can't even describe the awesomeness that is a baker's dozen of these at midnight), and Boulder Beer Company (three of us split the sampler tray of all of their current beers, which amounted to about 13. The Hefenweizen was so horrifying it gave me goosebumps, but everything else was delicious. Apparently, it's uncommon for females to enjoy IPAs, according to most guys I have met recently, but they are generally my favorites. Although the batch of red beer was most excellent as well. Boulder has fabulous craft brews, anyone who is into beer needs to come visit me just for that. Erika...)

In other news, I have a new job! I will be the Front Desk Director at the rock gym, so basically in charge of front desk staff, memberships, and retail. Before starting officially, I'm coming home for a friend's wedding (YAY!) in two weeks, and I can't wait to see the Northeast again! If I'm lucky, it'll still be warm enough to swim in the ocean as well. If anyone wants to go hiking, let me know... Mt. Washington, anyone?

 And now to look for my own apartment, get a bicycle, fix my car, and plan my fall!
I drove my roommate to the airport yesterday morning, so I stopped on the way home to watch the sunrise.

Good morning, Rockies! The clump of green trees is Boulder.


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