
Showing posts from December, 2011

Words for the Ideas

Why do the best ideas always occur to me in the shower? Last summer when I lived in Providence, my entire dance lesson plan knocked me upside the head at the same time that the shampoo was working its magic. I've had countless choreography ideas do the same. Yesterday, as I was getting ready to go to brunch with Alicia, I contemplated my climbing of late. I've taken to working hard on some bouldering, mostly because it's so low-maintenance... throw on some shoes, chalk up, and Ta-Da! I can work a problem. I have also been in contact with the director of Ascendance, seeing as she moved her company to Boulder. (GO FIGURE. Boulder has made my life literally fall into place.) Out of nowhere, the common denominator in everything I love to do appeared: they all involve movement, strength, and intelligence. -Dancing -Climbing -Hooping -Acro -Yoga Any time I am pursuing any of these activities, I get lost in them. They provide an inexplicable escape but have a clear f

Progress in Poudre and Other Tales of November

Where do I begin? Grab a cup of tea and your reading glasses, this is nothing short of a novel. My place of employment hosted the IFSC Lead World Cup in October, and my, oh my... I was either yelling, swooning, or basically going crazy at any given point throughout the whole weekend. Yelling for my friends who were competing (and the rest of the athletes who were nice to me). Swooning because, well... have you seen climbing muscles in person? No? I recommend the pictures from the Denver Post . Such a good time, hopefully more good times to follow! November saw a visit from my parents, which turned out to induce feelings of wanting to live in Boulder for them. Which is perfectly fine, as long as I no longer live here. But since I'll be sticking around... I'd prefer them to wait awhile. I did enjoy showing off my city, which included a visit to the CU ice rink, breakfast at Snooze, and a trip to NCAR (fascinating, really). Not to mention lots of walking. Mid-month, I visit